
Showing posts from April, 2016


A couple of weeks ago our new School of Ministry Director, Kent,  preached on a Sunday morning.  He shared about Jesus sharing with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, after His resurrection.  They were kept from recognizing Him until he took bread, gave thanks and broke it for them.  Then their eyes were opened to see Him in the supernatural.  As a prophetic act, we all broke off a piece of bread after Kent had given thanks for it, while we sought God to have our eyes opened to see into His realm.  As we left church, this angel was seen in the clouds!  About 30 people saw him and one took this picture. You may be a bit skeptical, but we absolutely believe that  God himself put this Angel in the cloud there to encourage us!  Also, if you look above the trees you will notice two more standing beside this one!  Absolutely amazing!  You see, there have been prophetic words over Brevard county that Angels do indeed stand just off our coastline guarding the shore.  That they


Maturity... A process of becoming fully developed, of growing up. We mature in different areas of our lives.  We mature physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. We all know people who mature in one area, but struggle in other areas to grow up. Maturity also applies to many things in nature.  For instance we talk about fruit becoming ripe, or fully mature.  Of fully aged cheese or wine.  I looked up the wine maturing process and found something very interesting.  Wine is mature when its components no longer stand out as isolated entities.  With maturity comes integration and harmony,  It is when the flavors and components have coalesced, or grown together and become seamless.  That made me think about my walk with Jesus.  In Christianity, maturity is to complete the process of growth, showing the characteristics of Jesus in our lives. My life is meant to become intertwined with His to such a degree that the two of us are seamless.  In other words, you can't t


Romans 8: 11 says..." The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you." There is power in that statement! Sometimes I just have to stop and think about this verse.  The Father put His Holy Spirit inside of me and that Spirit is ALL POWERFUL, for it is God in me!  It is the same Spirit that Jesus depended on while He walked the earth.  The Spirit descended from Heaven upon Jesus when He was baptized in the Jordan River.  The Spirit led Him, filled Him, empowered Him, taught Him, anointed Him and so much more.  That same Spirit now dwells in me!  He wants to do exactly for me what He did for Jesus.  As He fills me, I have the most dynamic power on the earth living inside of me.  I am meant to have the same influence over people's lives that Jesus had!  The problem is that I can't quite see myself the way the Father sees