Romans 8: 11 says..." The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you."

There is power in that statement!

Sometimes I just have to stop and think about this verse.  The Father put His Holy Spirit inside of me and that Spirit is ALL POWERFUL, for it is God in me!  It is the same Spirit that Jesus depended on while He walked the earth.  The Spirit descended from Heaven upon Jesus when He was baptized in the Jordan River.  The Spirit led Him, filled Him, empowered Him, taught Him, anointed Him and so much more.  That same Spirit now dwells in me!  He wants to do exactly for me what He did for Jesus.  As He fills me, I have the most dynamic power on the earth living inside of me.  I am meant to have the same influence over people's lives that Jesus had! 

The problem is that I can't quite see myself the way the Father sees me.  I don't really believe that He wants to do the same things through me that He did through Jesus.  I want to!  But if I really believed than I would see the same things happening that happened in Jesus day.  I want to believe that "nothing is impossible" when the Spirit of God lives in me.  I can pick up where Jesus left off and release Him to the world. 

So my prayer today over myself...and over you is that we would have our minds renewed to the point that we have the mind of Christ in us.  That we would see how the Father sees, do what the Father is doing, say what the Father is saying and make Him known to the world around us!  Lord, give life to my mortal body today to walk like you walked!  May I look on the people around me with your compassion, to see them as sheep without a shepherd because I am meant to shepherd them.  Raise me up in my generation to touch the hearts of people with your love and goodness. 

I need you Lord!  Be big and powerful inside of me each and every day!


  1. I remember a message by Terry Bennett when he had an encounter and God was looking deep into his eyes (or something to that effect) and he was uncomfortable, and asked God 'what are you looking at"...... and the answer had been something like "I'm looking to see the measure of Christ that is in you". Maybe our 'cups' are more full of ourselves than the full measure of Christ....... how desperately we need the Burning Bush to burn us up.


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