Image result for taste and see that the lord is good
I love Psalm 34:8! "Taste and see that the Lord is good."  It creates imagery in my mind of my spiritual taste buds working overtime to savor and delight in everything that God does for me! The flavor of life that Father leaves with me is wonderful.

Don't think that I am crazy!  I am just fully convinced and persuaded that my Father is good...all the time! So if He is good, where does the bad stuff come from?  NOT from Father!  We are in a battle every day with our own flesh and its desires; from the world vying for our hearts and attention and from the Prince of this world, Satan.  So I can shout from the rooftop with confidence that my God is good!  As a matter of fact, James tells us in his letter (chapter 1:17) that "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father..." Let that sink into your spirit for a moment! Every thing He has stored up for us in Heaven, is available now.  We have a tremendous inheritance just waiting for us. After all, we are co-heirs with Jesus.  So everything He had and walked in IS ours too!

I actually have a hard time getting my mind around that.  More than I have yet asked for or imagined is available to me from God the Father.  I am not speaking of worldly wealth (although that is all His too), but about spiritual wealth! My Father wants me to be a daughter to Him, the same way that Jesus was a son to Him.  He wants me to walk as Jesus walked.  What holds me back from stepping into that anointing, that inheritance?

My own flesh, my thoughts, my choices.
But it is true.
I am moving toward the place of saying only what the Father is saying, doing only what the Father is doing.  But I confess I have a long way to go!

The hope within me is that I press on to KNOW Him.  I don't quit.  That each day, as I spend time with Him, I understand His heart a little more.  I am being conformed into His image.  I am making better choices that ten years ago.  There is a little more of Him in me than five years ago.  I am determined to finish the course and be with Him for eternity.  I have had moments when the Spirit of God has used me in tremendous ways...and for that I am grateful! I rejoice when He counts me worthy to touch lives around me! 

My Father is a good, good Father.  I love that song.  It is in my spirit and mind! The bridge is one of my favorite parts, "love so undeniable I can hardly speak, peace so unexplainable I can hardly think, as He calls me deeper still into love."  His unconditional love!  He will never leave me or forsake me. He will always be there...and He has always been there.  I am in covenant with my Father, permanent adoption, and He takes that very seriously. I can count on Him and rely on Him in every part of my life.

All I can say is...THANK YOU FATHER!
How about you? Have you been convinced of His goodness in your life?


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