
Showing posts from November, 2016


This morning in our Pastor's Prayer meeting, we were asked to reflect on Exodus 19: 1-9 and see what God would speak to us before we went to prayer.  Verse 4 jumped out at me! The second part of the verse says, ..."how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself."  I love the imagery that the scripture presents with eagles.  Sometimes we feel like God is so far away, but if we simply turn our faces to Him, He will bear us into His presence on wings of eagles! Some of my favorite scriptures have to do with the pictures painted by the eagle analogies.  For instance, we all like to quote the above verse, Isaiah 40:31.  He is my hope, my strength.  As I press into Him I will find the strength to always go on! I can keep in pace with my God, for He will give strength to this mortal body with His Holy Spirit dwelling in me.  Pray this prayer with me right now. "Lord, my hope is in You alone. I depend on every word You speak to me, in the Bible and


Second Corinthians 4: 4 tells us that, "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." Sometimes I get frustrated with people who don't want to hear about Jesus.  They seem to have all the answers and don't need any crutch to lean on.  I often forget that the enemy of our souls likes to keep them from "understanding" who Jesus really is.  He actually keeps them in the darkness of their own thinking, so they cannot see the truth about who Jesus really is.  I have to remind myself of this as I pray for the people of my city and nation.  He is a wily old devil, who knows how to work with mankind (he has been doing it for a long time).  So I have to remember to ask the Holy Spirit to remove these blinders from their spiritual eyes, so they can see His glory and be drawn to His love. In worship over the weekend, the Holy Spirit reminded me that we ha