Why did I choose to name this blog spot "Truth or Consequences"?

I am convinced that the Bible, the Word of God, is filled with wisdom and insight into all of life!  If you are wondering should I or shouldn't I? The answers are in the Bible.  If you aren't sure of what is true or false...in the Bible.  If you want to know which direction to go...in the Bible.  How do I live my life...in the Bible.  It is a blueprint, filled with principles and patterns of the BEST way to live. 

Yes, there are other paths to walk, but in following them you will face consequences, disappointments, let downs and wrong turns.  You see, if we walk God's paths for us we may still have some hard times and bumps in the road, BUT God will be with us and cause ALL things to work together for our good. (Romans 8:28). 

Some of you are thinking..."that means I will never have any fun in life again".  That is a lie!  Who created life?  God the Father.  He did not make us robots walking around saying "yes master".  But he made us sons and daughters, adopted into His family.  The scripture says in Matthew 7: 9-11...
“You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him."
He is a good, good Father!  And He is for us, not against us.  He wants each of us to succeed and without saying you must do this, he presented us with choices.  If we choose His ways and cooperate with Him, we walk in peace, joy, love, blessing, etc.  If we choose our own ways, self-gratification and self-centeredness, we will continually be banging our heads against a wall and wondering why things never work out for me. 
I have walked both paths!  Without Him, my life became a mess!  Making wrong choices and having no peace or joy.  But with Him, I am persuaded and convinced of His absolute faithfulness to never leave me or forsake me.  I can face anything that comes my way with peace, joy and confidence of the love of a Great Heavenly Father!


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