Ouch!  That is a horrible word to everyone of us.  Nobody likes to be rejected.  The definition of reject is to "discard or throw out as worthless" or "to deny love or acceptance to someone".  Through our lives we will each face times of being left out or even asked to leave something we have invested time and energy into.  It is very hurtful.  It can make you question your own self-worth.  Being rejected is a tough emotion to deal with.  I know, I have dealt with some great rejection in my own life.  Your stomach feels upset, your mind rehearses responses and you feel turned upside down. 

The thing that truly matters in these times is how we respond!

That is why it is so important to know WHO we are in relationship with Father God.  He will never reject anyone of us!  The scripture says that "God so loved the world He gave His only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3: 16)  It also says, "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)  His love for us is great...and His desire is for each one of us to be restored into a relationship of "sonship".  In other words, you and I are meant to be His sons and daughters, with all the rights and privileges that Jesus has/had.  My identity is "I am a child of the Living God, the King of Kings with eternity to be loved by Him. 

I need to truly know that in the depths of my heart and spirit!  If I truly know that, then I can walk through any rejection by man (or woman) because I am still loved!  I am worth something to my Heavenly Father! 

No one on this earth walked in greater rejection than Jesus!  But to Him, it was worth it to restore you and I to our Father.  He suffered the greatest rejection a man has every walked through.  Beaten, abused, whipped, mocked, cursed and finally hung on a cross.  Nothing I will ever walk through will compare to that!  The biggest mistake I could make would be to "reject" his sacrifice and just live for myself!  Don't make that mistake.

One final thought on rejection:  If I let rejection take root in my heart and become offended, it only hurts worse in the long run.  I keep the offense fresh in my mind as I dwell on it, and it will effect every area of my life and heart.  It is much better to let it go and know that the Father has my back.


  1. Good word! I was reading in Ephesians this morning and God reminded me according to the Law, a parent could disinherit or even kill his child, but an adopted father could not disinherit or kill his adopted child. Jesus was God's son and God turned from Him when He had our sins on Him and God allowed Him to be killed. We are His adopted children and He gives us abundant lives and will never disinherit us. I knew about that law, but I had not personally drawn the line between the Law God made and what actually happened with Him allowing Jesus to be killed so we who choose to make Jesus our Lord and Savior can become God's adopted children and have life with Him forever. Awesome!!!


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