
Showing posts from September, 2016


I had a word from the Holy Spirit this past weekend. It was a very simple word, yet impactful for me.  Sometimes we look ahead in our lives and want to make great commitments in our service and love for God.  Sometimes we break these commitments and than feel horrible because we didn't measure up. Sometimes the Holy Spirit draws us to surrender something to God...such as our time, our souls, our worship, our money, etc.  When we consider it in the light of the rest of our lives, it gets scary!  Can I do it or will I fail again? The word is TODAY I can yield myself to you Father.  TODAY I can live for you. TODAY I can worship you with all my heart.  When we think in terms of forever, it can be overwhelming.  But when I get up TODAY I can live for you. Christy Lane sang the song, "One day at a time sweet Jesus" and it has often come to my mind through the years. There is  a lot of truth in what it says. Remember when the Israelites wandered in the wilde


Have you even wondered which verse is the very center of the Bible?  Wouldn't you think that it would be something very important? Wow!  I would say that is a very important scripture for us to apply in our lives. Actually it is a hard principle to walk out every day in our lives. Why do I say that? Because I know in my own life I have often tried to love God while I trusted in the people around me. That was an issue for me over the years.  It was much easier to try to trust the people I could see and be around in their flesh and blood bodies, than to trust God. I had it all backwards for a long time. As a result I was hurt over and over as I put my trust in people, along with expectations of how I wanted them to treat me. I am learning to put my complete trust in God and to love people just as they are. I know I am not perfect.  I must learn to cut others some slack and understand they aren't perfect either. People have always failed me and always will.  Not be


"Jesus loves me, this I know.  For the Bible tells me so.  Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong. Yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so." Do you remember singing this song in Sunday School? Unfortunately, after giving our lives to Jesus, many of us doubt that God really loves us. This morning, with a group of Pastors, we were to pray about "God chose us because He loves us". The room was fairly silent! Why? Because many, many people follow Jesus but don't actually have a revelation of His love for them.  It is one thing to know that "God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son to die for it" and completely another thing to believe that "if I was the only person in the world, Jesus would still have died for me."  Each of our hearts longs to know that God the Father really loves ME. One pastor shared a story this morning, that during a rough time