Have you even wondered which verse is the very center of the Bible?  Wouldn't you think that it would be something very important?
Image result for Psalm 118:8

Wow!  I would say that is a very important scripture for us to apply in our lives.
Actually it is a hard principle to walk out every day in our lives.
Why do I say that?
Because I know in my own life I have often tried to love God while I trusted in the people around me. That was an issue for me over the years.  It was much easier to try to trust the people I could see and be around in their flesh and blood bodies, than to trust God. I had it all backwards for a long time. As a result I was hurt over and over as I put my trust in people, along with expectations of how I wanted them to treat me.

I am learning to put my complete trust in God and to love people just as they are. I know I am not perfect.  I must learn to cut others some slack and understand they aren't perfect either. People have always failed me and always will.  Not because they mean to, but are struggling with issues in their own lives, just like I am. But my God will NEVER fail me! He CANNOT fail.  It is not in His nature.

I CAN have confidence, trust, in my God because of who I know Him to be and what I know He has promised! He continues to reveal more and more about Himself every day, so I can boldly come before Him and receive from Him. The very things I so desperately would like to find in people, i.e. acceptance, love, encouragement, etc., are ALL found in relationship with my God.

As a matter of fact, trust is the doorway to my intimate walk with Him. The more I trust Him, the more He walks with me and talks with me.

I believe now, as I look back over my life, that God allowed people to fail me so I would I look to Him. He is and was always there for me. In the moments of great distress, it was He who held me and stood with me. In times of rejection, it was He who held me and told me of His love for me. In times of great hurt, it was He who let me cry on His shoulder and told me it would be OK.

So I challenge you today to put things in the right order in your life!
Love people...BUT trust only God.


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