Image result for no spirit of fear

"God DID NOT give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind!"  Paul wrote this word to Timothy, his spiritual son in the Lord.  In some translations it says God did not give us a spirit of timidity. To be timid is to be fearful, hesitant and lacking self-confidence.  It is someone who is easily intimated by others.  Intimidation persuades me to give up my authority in Christ Jesus.  When I do, my spiritual gifts can no longer operate freely.  That causes me to act and react out of my flesh, not seeing or responding as Jesus would.  Then instead of being offensively ready to walk out my faith, I become defensive and shrink back from any attack.  I step into a self protection mode, choosing to find a place of comfort and safety where I don't have to stand against evil.

That is a mouthful, but that is what the Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning.  I never saw it quite as clearly as I do right now. 

I remember one of my most intimidating moments was entering the Soviet Republic of Estonia the first time.  Three of us were taken into a room with soldiers and their guns!  The room was filled with smoke and nude pictures on the walls.  They didn't speak to us, but barked at us as to why we were entering their country.  I felt like cowering before these men, and running away to hide!  Intimidation was one of the prevailing spirits over the Soviet Union.  I know because I faced it many times over the next years.  It was a tool the Communist Government used to keep the people in line.  Everyone lived in fear all the time! 

What counteracts intimidation?  Knowing who I am in Christ Jesus!
I must know who I am and whose I am!
My strength and confidence cannot be in myself, but who I am when the Spirit of the Living God dwells in me!  That gives me a boldness and confidence that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! I must be fully persuaded that He is God and I am not!  When I am boldly able to step into the authority I have, the spiritual gifts God has given me once again awaken inside of me! When I declare over myself that timidity has no place in my thought life, heart or spiritual life and step out with His power, His love and a sound mind fixed on Him...I truly can do all things!

I must KNOW my God and be entrenched in His power.  God looks on the heart of a person, not our size or our position.  As I yield to Him and worship Him, He sees a heart that desires Him.  This is the place I want to be.

Lord anoint me with fresh boldness so all chains of intimidation are broken off of me.  Infuse my life with your boldness.  Like David, I long to be a person after your own heart.  I purpose to step into your boldness and power and strength, not to be lulled into inaction because of intimidation.  I want to shine with your love.  As I walk in Your Spirit of might and boldness, use my giftings and talents to further Your Kingdom.  May I fear and love only you.

Are you ready to leave intimidation behind?


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