Expectation means to believe that God will always come through for me!  He will never let me down. I need to have the expectation that I CAN depend on Him, I CAN trust Him, I CAN follow Him wherever He leads, for His heart is for me!  He says over and over, if you seek ME with all of your heart, I will be found by you.  Call to ME and I will answer. Over and over He has promised to be there for me, so I should expect Him to be.

The problem with most of us, me included, is that we put our expectations ON people.  A lot of the time we never even tell others what the expectations are that we hold them to!  But we expect people to never fail us, to meet our needs, to love us unconditionally.  Unfortunately we get let down!  I have been let down many times, so I know you have too.  Even well intentioned people let us down. That is because we are ALL flawed human beings, each struggling to keep ourselves on the straight and narrow! I have let people down too. Not because I set out to do that, but because sometimes I just cannot be what others would like me to be!

God is the ONLY constant in my life! Too often I have expected others to love me, no matter what I did or how I messed up.  That has led to some deep hurts of rejection!  It has been a process over a number of years and hurts, but I am learning to just love people where they are, for who they are! I don't expect to be loved in return anymore.  I am turning to the Holy Spirit for my unconditional love and acceptance!  If people like me or love me, that is great!  But I no longer expect them to.  How freeing!!

Father is the only one who will NEVER leave me or forsake me!  I can RELY and DEPEND on His love for me. He is the FRIEND who stays close beside me. He listens every time I have something on my heart to share.  He encourages me all the time.  I EXPECT Him to be with me every moment of every day, AND He IS!  I expect Him to respond to my worship, to my prayer, to walk with me and talk with me! I expect Him to ANSWER the cries of my heart. I expect Him to provide for me when all seems against me. 

He has never let me down!  Guess what?  HE NEVER WILL!
Who do you EXPECT to meet your needs? I hope it is HIM!


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