Faithfulness is a big deal!
Father God is the most faithful person who has ever existed!
He is faithful even when we are faithless.

Psalm 145:13b…The LORD is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.
 Psalm 145:17…The LORD is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does.
 Psalm 146:6…He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— he remains faithful forever.
I hope that as you read these scriptures that you are able to get in your spirit that our Father is faithful! We can trust Him to fulfill all of His promises.  Everything He has said in this Word is true, and will come to pass.  Many get upset with God because He doesn't respond like a magic genie that jumps at their every word.  God is a Father, training us, His children, in how to walk out our lives for His pleasure.  We forget that He created us to have fellowship with Him.  We are supposed to walk with Him and talk with Him throughout our day, and throughout our lives!
His ways are higher than our ways.  That means that He sees every situation and circumstance in our lives from a larger perspective than we do! That is where trust comes in.  I must, by faith, trust that He is always working things out for my good.  Because He is faithful!  He would never allow evil to overcome me.  If I am in evil battles, it is because I have allowed evil to come in.  All my Father is waiting for is for me to turn to Him and ASK for His help.  Humility in my life says, I need you Father.  I need you to direct my steps and bring order to my life.  Pride says, I can take care of myself and will make my own decisions.  I will have it my way and do it my way.
With that attitude, God backs off and watches.
He only gets involved when we call on His name.
The minute I humble myself and call for His help, He faithfully comes and gets involved in my situation and life again.  Many, many times in the Old Testament, Israel followed their own ways, turned to other gods and did their own thing.  God would turn away and allow them to wallow in the pits they created for themselves.  When they finally couldn't take it anymore, they would cry out for God and He would always respond.  That is faithfulness.
He does the same for us.
There is a scripture that breaks my heart every time I read it.  It is found in Luke chapter 18.  In the first 8 verses of this chapter we find the parable of the unjust judge and the persistent widow.  The judge doesn't fear God, but gives the widow justice because she keeps bugging him every day and he doesn't want to get worn out from her coming. The conclusion is that God too will respond to us when we cry out to Him, He will see that we get justice and quickly.  HOWEVER, WHEN THE SON OF MAN COMES, WILL HE FIND FAITH ON THE EARTH?
That makes me want to cry.
"Lord, may you find me walking in faith and remaining faithful.  I don't want to hurt Your heart. I want to be faithful to You as You are faithful to me."  That means exercising my faith and staying rightly related to Him.  He doesn't demand a lot from us.  The more we know Him, the more we should want to please Him and keep Him as the center of our lives!
Faithfulness is a BIG DEAL!


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