I read this scripture today in the Passion Translation done by Brian Simmons.  I like to read in different translations to get new perspectives.  Listen to how he writes this, "You are to love the Lord Yahweh, Your God, with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, with every thought that is within you and with all your strength."  I reread that a few times today. It is so much more descriptive of the love we are to have for Father God.

He says we are to love Father with ALL THE PASSION OF OUR HEARTS. Passion is defined as a strong liking, desire or devotion to something you enjoy, or own.  It is also ardent affection, which means you are very zealous with your affection. Passion is displaying strong emotions for someone or something.  Jesus was saying we are to take every thing that we cherish, long for, or partake of and turn those affections FIRST to the Father. Nothing should have more of our time and attention than our love for God.

There are so many things that cry out for our time and attention. Just think for a moment of how you spend your days. What do I give more of my time to, than the time I spend with the Father?  What do I love to do, that I want to do, whenever I can? What do I think about when I have a few minutes to sit and relax?  If I have a free day, what do I choose to do with my time? 

I have made it my habit to give the first part of my day to spending time with the Lord. Sometimes I just go through the motions, but mostly I look forward to that part of my day.  I have expectation that Holy Spirit will show me something new, meet with me and share with me. I keep a journal and add to it daily. With that said, I look at the rest of my day.  Sometimes my thoughts are on the Word, my heart filled with worship and I am communing even in my work place.  Other times I am completely in my own world with no thought of the Lord. 

ALL the passions of my heart is something very challenging!  The cry of my heart is "Lord, help me!" I need the Holy Spirit to continually draw me and remind me to keep my heart focused on the things of God!  I know He is willing! So please Lord, help me to be more willing to love you with ALL THE PASSION OF MY HEART.


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