I want you to have the understanding today that one of the enemies greatest tactics, against you and I, is to move us to the place of discouragement!  That is an absolute fact.  Discouragement is a feeling we get when things seem to be against us; that the future is bleak, no hope, no confidence that things will work out.
I started this new year with high "expectations" of new things and moving forward in some issues important to me.  I have been determined to press into God for revival and be right in the center of what He is doing!  I have wanted to get into a place of good health, physically fit, as well as spiritual health.  In the last blog I told you about making three small changes every week.
Well this week I had a BIG change come my way that was not expected!
Saturday, just going about my business of building a project for the house, I slipped on wet wood down an incline.  The result, torn ligaments in my knee, plus a nasty cut on the shin that swelled like a second knee.  Pain!  Sleeplessness!  Unable to walk more than a few steps.  This has been my week so far...bed, chair, bathroom and back.  An accident.  Not on my horizon for how this year was to begin.  The week has been cancelled for me!
Discouragement tried to come at me.
I saw the cloud headed my way...and said NO WAY...I will not give in.
So instead this week has been a week set aside to be with the Lord!  I am spending extra time with Him and enjoying it.  I am realigning my heart and tuning my ears to His voice.  People have been bringing me meals...I am blessed.
You say why did God allow this to happen?
I don't believe He did.
My Father is a good, good Father.  He doesn't bring accidents or problems.  When they come, because of a fallen world, or the work of the enemy of my soul...my Father can still work all things out for my good! 
So I will not give into this deception...but will by the grace of God heal quickly and press into my Father's heart!


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