Guess what day today is?
It is my 42nd Birthday!  My born again Birthday.  It was March 8, 1974 at 3AM that I finally bent my knees and asked Jesus to begin a relationship with me. 

I was a freshman in college, University of Maine at Presque Isle, and only 19 years old.  I lived in Emerson Hall on the third floor.  At the top of the stairs there were at least 4 rooms that were occupied by "Jesus freaks" (as we called them).  They were all upper classmen.  A lot of us freshmen were on this floor and they had strategically asked for those rooms to have influence in our lives!  Freshmen tend to sow their wild oats, away from parental controls, flapping their new found wings of freedom.  After the first semester three quarters of my class were failing their courses, as they were more interested in partying then studying.  I was sowing my oats too, but school had always been easy for me, so my grades were good.  But I too had settled into a routine of weekend parties, but not during the week.

The problem was that we had to come up those three flights of stairs and sneak by those rooms in our drunken or high states.  It wasn't that they condemned us or even said was our own sense of God emanating from those rooms!  Guilt at being in an inebriated state.  Often they would be up very late, all gathered in one room, singing with guitars and laughing.  We would be drawn to stand at the door and listen, but not enter.   As we stopped by more often, we began to get to know these women. 

On March 6th we were all invited to come see a movie the next night in the main lounge of the dorm.  It was a Billy Graham film called "A Thief in the Night".  A few of us decided to go.  It was one of the scariest movies I had even seen.  It was about the return of Jesus and only those who knew Him got to go with Him to heaven.  Every one else was left behind to be killed by someone called the Anti- Christ.  They showed that film twice that night, and I was so upset I sat through both showings.

Afterwards a friend, Judi H, and I were invited to one of the girls rooms to talk about what we had just seen. Sue very patiently talked with us until 3AM, answering questions and assuring us of God's love for us.  Finally we both got on our knees and prayed the "sinners prayer".  Now 42 years later I am still walking after this Jesus.

Has it been easy?  NO!  But He has walked with me through every storm in my life.  Only in Him do I find a place of joy and peace.  Only in Him am I declared right with God.  I have had my times of not listening, of following my own paths...but I have also had great encounters with the Spirit of God in my times of obedience and keeping close to His heart.  As in any relationship, there are seasons of closeness and seasons of walking quietly side by side.  

I am so thankful for His grace and mercy.  I am so thankful that even when I haven't pursued Him, He has pursued me.  There have been times when He was a hound nipping at my heels (which I sincerely needed!).  He has never given up on me...always loves me...and always calls my name to come closer in knowledge and depth of insight.  I love this Jesus with all my heart...and look forward to the day when I will be with Him forever.

When were you "born again"?  Are you walking in love with Him?


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