In Romans 8 verses 14-16 it says, "...those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.  For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship.  And by him we cry, Abba, Father.  The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children."

Immediately my mind and heart cry out Holy Spirit, lead me.  Let me hear your voice very clearly.  I want to be a son of God.  (After all, if men have to be the bride of Christ than women can certainly be sons of God!)

I am a daughter of the living God!  How do I know that?  Because I have the spirit of God living inside of me and I make every effort to cooperate with him!  I desire to follow him, because I know in my flesh I can still make some very bad choices. 

There are many benefits to being a son or daughter of the living God!   I know that God is a good Father, and I know that He will give me the same things that he gave to his son, Jesus.  I am after all a co-heir of all of heaven!

I believe that God is looking for sons and daughters who look, act and live like Jesus did.  He is looking for me to live in the same authority of power that Jesus lived in! 

There have been many times in my life that I would have liked for Father God to have just answered my every cry, responded immediately to my prayers.  That He would have fixed every problem so my heart wasn't broken and my life went very smoothly on this earth.  As I think about that, I understand if things worked that way I would never have grown up!  When a baby cries the parents respond, change the diaper, feed the hunger, hold and nurture. Babies know how to get their parents attention!  Father God does that in our early walk with him, but then expects us to mature! 

That means, as I grow up and mature in my walk with God I MUST CHANGE!  I must allow the spirit to move me to the place of asking for the mind of Christ, to see how He sees.  That I must respond to situations and people the way Jesus did.  I must now exercise the power and authority that He has already given me, for the benefit of those around me.  I am to live and think responsibly in ways that represent Jesus on the earth.  Father gives us promises and says... "trust me now to work through you!  You go and demonstrate my heart for humanity, and become part of the answer by allowing me to flow through you." 

I now desire to look like Him, smell like Him, walk like Him and talk like Him.  Every day I trust the spirit of God a little more to use me and flow through me.  I desire to be as Jesus was to this world.  How about you?? 


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