The "C" word the Holy Spirit is speaking to me is COURSE. I am defining course as the path we follow, the direction we go as we follow the Holy Spirit leading us.  It includes the way I act as I follow Him.  The course of my life has led me deeper in the things of God.  I have never been one to just settle for what is easy or simple! One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 4:18, "The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of day, shining ever brighter till the full light of day." To me it gives imagery of God's plan for each of us!

We get a little glimpse of who He is and Holy Spirit brings a ray of light, of hope, of love into our lives. Jesus said he was the light of the world! So I begin to receive some light, some understanding, some revelation about my God. As I am drawn to follow Him, to get more, I am drawn deeper into light.  Light chases away ALL darkness!  So as I come closer to Him, the dark places inside me MUST be dealt with and over powered by the light of His Presence.  I can choose to stay in the shadows of secrets and hiding, or I can choose to say, "Lord, do whatever it takes to bring into your Presence!"

So we start with a little light and move toward more!

That also sparked in my mind the River of God (Ezekiel 47), flowing out from His throne.  It begins very shallow and gets deeper as it goes.  We are invited to set our course to enter the river. It is living water, it is the moving of the Holy Spirit. Rivers keep moving, never become stagnant. We can wade in to just our ankles, or our knees or even our waist. What God really wants is for us to jump into the deep end, where we have to swim!  But not just to swim, to flow with His current! 

I remember one time when God told me I was in the deep, but I was trying to swim upstream against what He was actually doing.  Now I try to follow the course that He lays out for me. Desiring to flow and swim with Him and never against Him. I want to desire His light, His river, His heart!

I want to flow with Him. 
I want to be fully in the light.
I love this picture of life in the Spirit.
I don't want to oppose God, but move in the paths He highlights, following His lead!
What about you?


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