Can You Find Waldo?

Remember Waldo?  A few years back everyone was looking for Waldo and hundreds of pictures were shared where you had to search and search to find him.  Sometimes it was easy, he just kind of stood out and other times you spent a lot of time looking and looking.  The reward...satisfaction that you found him.  In all the searching, his likeness was revealed to you.

I use this illustration because so many people don't read the Bible...or say they don't get anything out of it.  But God in his wisdom has many "insights or revelation" about himself, and His Son Jesus just hidden away in the Word!  He is looking for people with hungry hearts to not only read His word, but to search for them in the pages.  Solomon told us in Proverbs 2: verses 1-5... "My son, (daughter), if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God." 

Many people spend a lifetime looking for spiritual answers and pursue every religion of the world looking for the secrets of life.  They spend much time and energy looking for answers that will change everything.  I propose to you that the answers they are looking for are all found in the Word of God.  God reveals things as we are able to understand them and live them out.  Every time I read the Word I look to find something I haven't seen before.  The Word of God is like pealing an onion, there are many different layers to it. 

If God means for us to know Him, to know Jesus, and to walk in their ways, why are things hidden in the Word?  Just like hiding Waldo, the hidden things cause us to spend time with them and get to know them better.  The revelation comes to those who WANT to know them more.  The truth is, if you don't want to know God or encounter Jesus, they will never force you, BUT you will miss out on everything in life that the Father wants you to possess concerning their place in your life and heart! 

So is Jesus worth looking for?  Do you desire to know the heart of God the Father? Seek and you will find!


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