Do You Trust the Bible?

There are many in our day who feel this is an ancient book that has no relevance for our day. I have been asked many times, "How can you just take this as truth without any proof?"  We are our own worst enemy when it comes to trust.  We have been raised in a scientific generation where we have been taught if you can't see it, touch it, taste it, hear can you trust it.  We have been taught to question has become part of our very nature.  So for me to say that the Bible is the word of God, you want me to prove it. 

The proof I have to offer you is FAITH.  I have faith that this is the Word of God!  2 Timothy 3:16 says that "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."  Yes many different people wrote the Word of God, but because God the Holy Spirit was breathing on them and directing what they wrote.  In the last few years I have been reading straight through the Bible 3 or 4 times a year and it is amazing the themes that run consistently through the whole book!  It paints a picture of who Father God is and how He relates to me.  It shows how I was made to be in relationship with Him, but sin separated me.  His plan from the foundation of the world was to send His son Jesus to be the sacrifice for my sin and restore me to relationship to my Heavenly Father.  That I am a daughter, adopted into His family, who is meant to inherit eternity. Funny how men of all generations have sought out eternal life, but always in ways that they could understand with their own minds!  When God made it so simple, through His Son.

The other proof I have is the word of my own testimony!  For over 40 years the Word of God has directed my steps and the God who breathed it has been faithful to do everything He has written here. When I have needed peace, the peace that passes understanding has invaded my heart and mind. When I needed direction, I found it in the word.  When I needed comfort, He brought comfort in His word.  I could go on and on!   I find wisdom in its pages and understanding of human nature.  Most importantly I find in here the recipe for life, to succeed in all that I do. 

The truth is, everything I need for life and godliness is found in the pages of this book.  In them I find Jesus, the pearl of great price!  By faith I believe every word written in these pages.


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