What is "truth"?

We live in a world that is struggling to decide if there is absolute truth!  Slowly, through the years, a thought has crept into our society that each one of us can decide what is true for our own lives. This is, in fact, one of the biggest challenges of our day.  I believe that the Bible is true.  God has expressed Himself in there, by inspiring men moved by the Holy Spirit, to write down His heart for us so we could know what is true. 

The biblical definition of truth says "truth is that which is consistent with the mind, will, character, glory and being of God".  It is the self expression of God!

I have named this blog "Truth or Consequences" because we all have choices to make as to how Biblical truth effects our lives.  I can choose to accept the biblical standards and truth...or I can listen to what my culture and society say is right for today.  If I just do what ever feels good or what everyone else is doing, there will be consequences for ignoring God's ways.  I say that because I believe He is a good, good Father who loves me and steers me to what is best for my life. 

Some of you who will read this, think that Christians have swallowed the lies.  But I have lived on both sides of the fence, so to speak.  I know what it is to live life my own way, with my own rules, and found neither peace or joy.  I made a mess of my life.  And now, living as a Christian, walking with Jesus, I walk in great peace and joy because of His love for me and my clear conscience before him!

Jesus told us in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  That is quite a claim!  But He could make that statement because He knew who He was.  He lived his whole life to restore you and I into relationship with the Father.  Every thing He did while on the earth was to point us to the love of the Father.

As this blog continues...ask questions...share your thoughts.  Let's get some dialogue going about what is truth!


  1. Truth has to be found in His (Jesus) words and His life. His ways are actually very simple and easily understood. He made them very clear. It's only when I try to excuse or change things to how I want them to be that invariably I go into a double minded state. The Word says our father God can not bless a double minded man. So to deliberately move into a place outside His blessing is to walk first out of truth. For He is truth and light so to walk out of truth is to walk into a place of darkness and in the darkness we can no longer see.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree Cindy...we don't need to stay in darkness!


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