Is Jesus Aladdin?

Is Jesus Aladdin?  That seems like a pretty silly question, but many people treat Jesus like He is supposed to be magical.  We keep him hidden away, as in a magic lamp, then take him out and rub him when we need help or immediate answers.  The truth is...Jesus is a person.  Not a genie. We have watched way too much television!  We think that supernatural means I should be able to get whatever I want or need, when I want it.  But Jesus does not work that way... He is interested in relationship with each one of us. 

As I read the New Testament Gospels and pay particular attention to the life of Jesus, I see Him doing many incredible things!  He heals ALL who are sick or full of disease.  He calms a storm at sea. He multiplies bread and fish to feed thousands of people.  That may seem like magic, but it was not!  He was here on earth as a man in relationship with His Heavenly Father.  If you read carefully you see that He spent a lot of time in prayer...time alone with His Father.  He did what His Father wanted him to do and said what His Father told him to say.  Because of a very close relationship, His Father released good things from Heaven to earth through Jesus.  Why? Because He knew He could trust His son. 

The good news is that you and I become adopted into God's family when we ask Jesus to restore our relationship with Father.  We too get all the rights and privileges of being sons and daughters.  Father is now waiting for us to pursue that relationship like Jesus did when He walked the earth.  The truth is we pack our lives so full of work, family, entertainment...that we have little time to walk with God.  So we don't see the same release of Heaven to earth.  We must change our lifestyle if we want to see supernatural results around us!

The truth is that God is still a very good Father!  It is us who have become wayward sons and daughters thinking only of ourselves.

What do you say??


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