I have been questioning my walk with God lately...in a good way.  I know that I am devoted to God and have disciplined my self to do what I should do each and every day.  Devoted means that I am loyal to Him, faithful to follow His ways, committed to be a Christian with no turning back and constant in reading His word.  I have disciplines in my life, to spend the first hour, or more,  of each day reading His word, some worship, some prayer.  I know HOW to be a Christian and am walking forward to be conformed into His image.

And yet, something is still lacking.  Even in my devotion and disciplines I can get into a rut.  Doing the right things, but no passion.  Passion is defined as having strong and barely controllable emotions; feelings of unusual excitement and enthusiasm.  I have moments during a worship service, at times, where I have a somewhat passionate encounter.  But I am seeing, that daily passion to follow Jesus, is lacking in me.  Remember in Revelation 2:6 Jesus wrote to the church in Ephesus..."Yet I hold this against you, You have forsaken your first love."  As I examine my heart and life, I too have forsaken my first love.  The same enthusiasm of those first encounters with the Holy Spirit are lacking or few and far between. 

I have been asking the Holy Spirit to help me fall in love with Jesus all over again!
The funny thing is...I am not entirely sure what that should look like. ( Just being truthful.)
I want to be in love with Jesus...I confess it with my mouth.  But for it to be a reality in my life, I have to hunger and thirst to KNOW him.  I have got to make some changes in my life.

The problem is not with Him.  His love is sure and steadfast!  As John 4:16 says "I can know and rely on the love God has for me".  The problem is my love for Him.  The romance is lacking on my side.

I am pursuing the Holy Spirit right now to take me deeper in the Spirit realm.  To restore a passion in me to want to spend time and energy in His presence more than anything else.  So many distractions! I must change.  His desire is for me...I want more of my desire to be for Him. 

How about you?  How is your passion for God shaping your life??


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