That is a BIG word.
To be sanctified basically means to be set apart from something to something else.

In Christianity, every church has a doctrine about what this means.  I am not familiar with them all, but I am familiar with the Assemblies of God.  They view sanctification as a two part process that happens in our lives.  First, when I initially ask Jesus into my life, the Holy Spirit comes in and I am beginning the process of my walk with God.  At that point I am set apart from who I was, into who I am becoming in relationship with my Heavenly Father. (2 Corinthians 5:17...Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation, old things are passed away, behold all things become new.) 

The second part is that sanctification is a process.  In God's mind and heart I have been set apart for His family and Kingdom, but now I have to walk that out.  I have to make daily choices to no longer just live for myself, but to do those things that keep me in relationship with the Father.

This morning in my devotions I was challenged to an even deeper level of sanctification by Oswald Chambers (My Utmost for His Highest).  He asked some pretty challenging questions.  He says that sanctification means being made one with Jesus so that the disposition that ruled Him will rule me. That is a big challenge!  I heard the Holy Spirit asking me..."Are you prepared to move to this place in your walk with me?" 

It will be costly!  Am I prepared to say "Lord begin this work in me.  Make me holy as you are holy." Am I prepared to set myself apart for the Holy Spirit to move through me whenever He desires to?  It will mean more change in my life and in my spirit.  A further narrowing of earthly interests.  More intense concentration of knowing God's mind in everything.  Not being conformed to this world that we live in, but developing a transformed mind.  It means surrendering more of me until the one and only characteristic of the Holy Spirit in me IS a strong family likeness to Jesus, and freedom from everything that is unlike Him!

That is a mouthful.  My heart is to be in this place.  So everyday I just keep saying..."Help Holy Spirit.  Make me more like Jesus today then yesterday."

How about you??


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